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Plazma Chocolate Rolls

Prep Time - 120 min.


Pour the flour, salt and sugar into a bowl. Mix together and then make a hole in the middle and add crushed yeast, eggs, melted butter and milk. Make a soft dough stirring gently, starting from the middle and then stirring the rest in as well. Then cover it with cling foil and let it rise (to double its size).Put both chocolates in a small pan and melt them over steam. After a few minutes, add the Plazma Ground and honey, and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Split the dough into two equal parts and roll them into 5 mm thick rectangular shapes. Coat one half of a rectangle with softened butter, and then apply half of the cream filling on it, and then fold the uncovered part of the dough over the top. Cut the folded dough into 2-3 cm wide strips. Wrap each band around your finger, and pull the ends through the middle. Leave the rolls on a tray lined with baking sheets. Repeat all this with the other dough rectangle. Leave the arranged rolls for about 30 minutes. Cover the rolls with a yolk and milk mix you prepared in a separate bowl, and then sprinkle them with sugar. Bake them in a preheated oven at 220ºC until they’re nice and golden-brown (15-20 minutes).Remove the rolls from the oven and let them cool. You can serve them with a cup of cold milk.



  • 800 g of fine flour (type 500)
  • 40 g of fresh yeast
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 1 bourbon vanilla sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g of butter
  • 400 ml of warm milk


  • 70 g of butter

Cream Filling

  • 100 g of milk chocolate
  • 50 g of baking chocolate
  • 100 g of Plazma Ground
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


  • 1 yolk
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • Granulated sugar or brown sugar (optional)