Autor: Mimi's Kingdom

Napoleon Cake with Plazma Cream

Prep Time - 1 min.


First prepare the dough. Add salt to the measured flour, mix, then add cold butter, coarsely grated.

Rub the butter into the flour, make an indent in the middle, then add other ingredients into the indent: egg, vinegar and ice water.

Knead a smooth, elastic dough, then divide it into 12 balls.

Gently wrap the dough balls in transparent, plastic foil and put in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

Then preheat the oven to 210 ⁰C. Line two baking trays with baking paper.

On a floured surface spread each ball of dough to a circle up to 22 cm in diameter. Several times poke the dough circle with a fork. It does not matter if the circle is not a regular one, because the excess dough is cut off after baking. The cake will be 18 cm in diameter, and as the dough shrinks with baking, it is important that the diameter before baking is much larger. Bake the layer of dough for 7-8 minutes in a preheated oven. Transfer it immediately from the baking paper onto a kitchen towel and use a plate of 18 cm in diameter to cut off the excess dough. Leave the thus formed circle to cool. Collect the excess on the side.

Keep doing the same with the remaining 11 balls of dough. While one layer of dough is being baked, prepare another one and put it in the second baking tray lined with baking paper.

While the dough balls are in the refrigerator, prepare the cream. Pour the milk in a larger container and insert the vanilla stick. Heat the milk until boiling. Separately mix sugar, starch flour, and egg yolks to get a mixture without lumps. Take the vanilla stick out of the boiling milk. Add some milk to this mixture little by little for the boiling yolks to heat. In this way, you prevent the yolks from getting lumpy. Put the warm mixture with yolks back into the boiling milk and whisk it slowly over a light fire until it thickens. Put the hot mixture aside, add room temperature butter and mix it in, and then cover the cream surface with transparent foil to prevent it from crusting. Leave it to cool in room temperature and then cool it additionally in the refrigerator.

Just before filling the baked dough layers, beat the sweet-sour cream with powdered sugar. Add the Ground Plazma and whipped sweet sour cream to the cooled cream and blend everything.

First put a tablespoon of cream to the plate where the cake will be, and cover it with the first coat of dough. Spread 2-3 tablespoons of cream on it and then put over another coat of dough. Repeat the same procedure until the twelfth, last coat of dough. Then press the cake lightly and put in the refrigerator. Do not use all the cream. Two hours later, take the cake out of the refrigerator, press it again lightly and coat it on the side and on the top with the rest of the cream.

Chop up the baked dough leftovers, add 50 g of Ground Plazma and generously sprinkle the cake with this mixture. Leave the cake in the fridge overnight and serve.


Napoleon cake is a well-known sweet. But, do you know how this cake got its name? In one version of the story, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was eating large quantities of this cake during the Battle of Waterloo. In another version, the cake was made in a pastry shop in Naples, and was named Napoleon after the city of Naples.



  • 260 g of cold butter
  • 460 g soft, wheat flour
  • 1 egg
  • 160 ml of ice water
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • ½ teaspoons of salt


  • 750 ml of milk
  • 1 vanilla stick
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 150 g of sugar
  • 45 g of starch flour
  • 50 g of butter at room temperature
  • 50 ml of sweet-sour cream
  • 40 g of powdered sugar
  • 100 g of Ground Plazma


  • 100 g of Ground Plazma