Autor: Mimi's Kingdom

Cheesecake with Coconut, Raspberries and Plazma

Prep Time - 30 min.


Prepare a round mold with movable edges 25 cm in diameter. Line the bottom with baking paper.

Mix the Ground Plazma with the melted butter and 3 tablespoons of the liquid part of coconut milk. You will get a thick, sticky mixture. If necessary, add one or two more tablespoons of the liquid part of coconut milk, but make sure the mixture is not too soft. Pave the prepared mould with biscuits, then put in the refrigerator while you are preparing the fil.

Crush the raspberries and filter them by desire.

Pour cold water over the gelatine and give it about 15 min to swell.

Blend cheese with powdered sugar, Greek yogurt, and the thick part of coconut milk. Beat sweet sour cream separately into a solid whipped cream. Add the cream to the other ingredients, then mix it with a spatula to get a smooth mixture. Melt the swollen gelatine over low heat, and add it to the fill, using a mixer at the lowest speed.



  • 160 g of Ground Plazma
  • 40 g butter
  • 3 tablespoons coconut milk


  • 300 g full fat cream cheese
  • 200 g of Greek yogurt
  • 300 ml sweet sour cream
  • 150 g of thick coconut milk or coconut cream
  • 6 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 250 g of raspberries fresh or frozen
  • 1 small bag of gelatine
  • 6 tablespoons of cold water


  • 50–100 g of coconut
  • 150 g raspberries
  • 100 g crushed Plazma